fatedier / frp

A fast reverse proxy to help you expose a local server behind a NAT or firewall to the internet.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

proxies randomly die over time but ~20% of them stay up

modpotato opened this issue · comments

Bug Description

after a few days (or hours) of running frp it will randomly close a large amount of connections

frpc Version


frps Version


System Architecture




# frps.toml
bindPort = 7000
kcpBindPort = 7000
vhostHTTPSPort = 8080
allowPorts = [
    {single = 2022},
    {start = 4000, end = 5000},
    {single = 8080}
# The default value is Change it to when you want to access it from a public network.
webServer.addr = ""
webServer.port = 7500
# dashboard's username and password are both optional
webServer.user = "admin"
webServer.password = "admin"

auth.additionalScopes = ["HeartBeats"]
auth.method = "token"
auth.token = "authtoken"


# frpc.toml
serverAddr = "" # Replace with frps server IP
serverPort = 7000
transport.protocol = "kcp"

auth.additionalScopes = ["HeartBeats"]
auth.method = "token"
auth.token = "authtoken"

# TCP port range mapping
{{range $val := parseNumberRangePair "4000-5000" "4000-5000"}}
name = "tcp-{{$val.First}}"
type = "tcp"
localPort = {{$val.First}}
remotePort = {{$val.Second}}

# Additional TCP ports
name = "tcp-2022"
type = "tcp"
localPort = 2022
remotePort = 2022

name = "tcp-8080"
type = "https"
customDomains = ["website.com"]

type = "https2http"
crtPath = ""
keyPath = ""
localAddr = ""

# UDP port range mapping
{{range $val := parseNumberRangePair "4000-5000" "4000-5000"}}
name = "udp-{{$val.First}}"
type = "udp"
localPort = {{$val.First}}
remotePort = {{$val.Second}}


im only going to cite relevant logs, lmk if more are needed (10k lines plus)

May 21 01:58:26 frpc[70729]: 2024-05-21 01:58:26.855 [W] [client/control.go:127] [22197ea8e7593c30] start new connection to server error: session shutdown
May 21 01:58:26 frpc[70729]: 2024-05-21 01:58:26.348 [I] [proxy/udp.go:142] [22197ea8e7593c30] [udp-4021] writer goroutine for udp work connection closed
May 21 01:58:26 frpc[70729]: 2024-05-21 01:58:26.348 [W] [proxy/udp.go:128] [22197ea8e7593c30] [udp-4178] read from workConn for udp error: EOF

all 3 of these are spammed (aside from these the others are just random requests that didnt reach an endpoint)

Steps to reproduce

  1. load configs
  2. use ovhcloud vps for server
  3. use local for client
  4. wait

Affected area

  • Docs
  • Installation
  • Performance and Scalability
  • Security
  • User Experience
  • Test and Release
  • Developer Infrastructure
  • Client Plugin
  • Server Plugin
  • Extensions
  • Others