fastio / 1store

NoSQL data store using the SEASTAR framework, compatible with Redis

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

compiling error

hustnn opened this issue · comments

build/release/db.o: In function _ZN20shared_ptr_count_forIN7seastar7metrics4impl17registered_metricEEC4IJRNS2_9data_typeESt8functionIFNS2_12metric_valueEvEERNS1_11descriptionERbEEEDpOT_': /home/hustnn/redis/pedis/./seastar/core/shared_ptr.hh:329: undefined reference to seastar::metrics::impl::registered_metric::registered_metric(seastar::metrics::impl::data_type, std::function<seastar::metrics::impl::metric_value ()>, seastar::metrics::description, bool)'

Cloud you provide more information about OS, GCC?

I already solved it.
I use the latest seaster. Some new files are not included in the config file. I revised the config file and it can be compiled successfully.