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Coordinating the Renaming of `master` Branch to `main` Across Fastify Repositories

10xLaCroixDrinker opened this issue · comments


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In reference to the efforts within the Fastify community regarding the renaming of the master branch to main (see issue #2799), I would like to propose a coordinated effort to make this transition across all @fastify repositories still using the master branch.

Given the significance of this change for inclusivity and the alignment with broader community practices, as well as the potential impact on automated workflows and contributions, it's essential that we approach this task with careful planning and collaboration.

As a contributor, I am prepared to assist by opening pull requests to update references to the master branch within actions, scripts, documentation, etc., in the relevant repositories. However, the actual renaming of branches and modifying repository settings are actions that need to be taken by admins.

Here's a list of repositories that are still using the master branch. (I've filtered out all forks and archived repos.)

List of Repositories

I understand this task may seem daunting, but it's worth noting that much larger organizations have already successfully made this transition, proving that with a coordinated effort, it's entirely achievable.

I'm looking forward to feedback from the community and the core team on how best to proceed with this initiative. Additionally, if there are specific guidelines or a preferred sequence for these updates, please let me know.

Thank you for considering this collaborative effort to further align Fastify with inclusive naming practices.

The only devs who can help you with that are @fastify/leads as you need to change the default branch in the repo settings.

Can we move this issue into fastify/help? This issue has nothing to do with fastify core.

@Uzlopak, we use the Fastify core repo for admin/coordination purposes. We might want to create an admin repository..

Unfortunately, this is gargantuan to tackle without more resources. Is there anyone from the collaborators that is willing to take on this challenge?

One option for this is to ask for funds from the community to cover for this admin work?