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Vitest and Decorators of Plugins, not coming down

Bugs5382 opened this issue · comments


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Not sure where to put this, so move if needed:

I am using Vitest to do unit testing. One thing I noticed is that Typescript is having a hard time understanding plugin decorators that will be loaded:


This is the best example I can give is that the server shows that MongoDB (satisfy-MongoDB plugin is being used) can not be found. When the code is run, it's okay and doesn't error run out.

The server is being returned as:

let server: FastifyInstance<RawServerDefault, IncomingMessage, ServerResponse<IncomingMessage>, FastifyBaseLogger, FastifyTypeProviderDefault>

Steps to Reproduce

Direct Access to Code:

Expected Behavior

No response


I am closing the issue since it is expected behavior in TypeScript.
TypeScript only knows something that is EXPLICITLY imported through the runnable code.

That means when you are using @fastify/autoload, TypeScript do not knows all information since there is no direct import through the code.

As a workaround, you need to specify the module you use in tsconfig.json. Or import the module one by one.

In case anyone else comes back to this, I changed:

    "include": ["./**/*"]


    "include": ["./**/*", "../src/**/*"]

... and that fixed the issue.