fasthttp / router

Router implementation for fasthttp

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ctx.userValues is shared across different request matches causing unpredictable results?

gsych opened this issue · comments


Hi there! :)

I've prepared a short snippet program localizing the issue:

module test

go 1.14

require ( v1.2.4 v1.15.1


package main

import (
	httprouter ""

func main() {
	router := httprouter.New()

	var s string

	router.GET("/api/v1/path/special-path", func(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) {
		println("from GET: " + s)
	router.PATCH("/api/v1/path/{id}", func(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) {
		s = ctx.UserValue("id").(string)
		println("from PATCH: " + s)

	err := fasthttp.ListenAndServe("", router.Handler)
	if err != nil {

Then I make the following requests, one after another:
curl --location --request PATCH ''
curl --location --request GET ''

The output I expect to see:

from PATCH: aaabbbcccdddzzz
from GET: aaabbbcccdddzzz

The actual output:

from PATCH: aaabbbcccdddzzz
from GET: special-pathzzz

As you can see the special-path path part overwrites part of the aaabbbcccdddzzz word.


Hi @savsgio !

Thank you for your reply. Yes, it was clear why this happens from the beginning. Still, I think there should be a note about that in the documentation or a comment to the UserValue func or anywhere else, otherwise in my opinion it's really misleading. I've spent several hours trying to figure out why the hell I have a data corruption and never had a second thought that I actually have to allocate a new copy. Having a proper allocation in the UserValue usage example would definitely prevent this.

Thank you for your effort!

Hi @gsych,

Sorry for remove my answer, but i think the better solution it's save a copy directly to the user values and avoid confusions in a future.

I will upload the fix now.

Fixed 😉

Thanks for your issue!



Hello @savsgio,

Looks like this issue still exists for regex params. Here no copy of path is made, so it is possible to have values corrupted.

Added a PR with tests: #52.
@savsgio Pls take a look.