fasthttp / router

Router implementation for fasthttp

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Question/Feature Request - Adding a "use" method to Router

Manghud opened this issue · comments

Hello. I really like this project. I would like to request to add a method to apply middleware to a whole group/router. I'm willing to contribute if needed

Hi @Manghud,

These feature is easy to implement, wrapping your handler.

So, some frameworks give you this functionality on easy way like Atreugo, Gramework and others.


@savsgio I'm not sure this is possible to implement by wrapping the handler if you want to add middleware before the routes but after the router's built-in redirection/HandleMethodNotAllowed middleware. For example, if I wrap the handler like this:

r := router.New()
r.RedirectTrailingSlash = true
r.RedirectFixedPath = true
r.HandleMethodNotAllowed = true

r.GET("/hello", helloHandler)

fasthttp.ListenAndServe(":8080", func(ctx *fasthttp.RequestContext) {
    // my middleware here

The order of execution for a request to /hello is this:

  1. my middleware wrapper function
  2. router's RedirectTrailingSlash, RedirectFixedPath, and HandleMethodNotAllowed logic
  3. helloHandler

What I would like is the ability to run them in this order:

  1. router's RedirectTrailingSlash, RedirectFixedPath, and HandleMethodNotAllowed logic
  2. my middleware wrapper function
  3. helloHandler

If I understand correctly, this is only possible with a Use method or something similar, like @Manghud described, right? This is important to me because my middleware in this use case that runs on every route needs to hit the database (load a session, for example). I do not want to hit the database for simple redirects and method-not-allowed responses.

Additionally, without a Use method on Groups, I don't think it is possible to apply middleware specifically to a group.

Hi @winduptoy,

Sorry for delayed answer.

If you want thats behaviour, you must wrap the helloHandler and not execute the middleware before the r.Handler.

So if you need a simple API to use middlewares, you could use some of frameworks built on top of fasthttp.