fastfetch-cli / fastfetch

An actively maintained, feature-rich and performance oriented, neofetch like system information tool.

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[BUG] Issue with 2.11.4

Samueru-sama opened this issue · comments

I abuse fastfetch I admit that. This bug might be hard to reproduce as result and it happens when fastfetch is used in combination with fastfetch. (there is no typo in that sentence lol).

Context of what I mean by using fastfetch with fastfetch

This is how it looks now after updating to version 2.11.4


And it gets fixed by going back to version 2.11.3:


Here is my config:

  "$schema": "",
  "logo": {
    "color": {
      "1": "36",
      "2": "36"
    "padding": {
      "left": 1,
      "right": 2,
      "top": 1
  "display": {
    "separator": " ",
    "color": {
      "keys": "36"
  "modules": [
     "key": "Weather",
     "type": "command",
     "text": "cat $XDG_CACHE_HOME/fastfetch/weatherinfo"
     "key": "Date & Time",
     "type": "command",
     "text": "( fastfetch -s datetime --pipe; fastfetch -s uptime --pipe ) | sed 's/Date & Time //g; s/Uptime/- Up:/g' | tr '\n' ' '",
     "key": "System",
     "type": "command",
     "text": "( fastfetch -s os --pipe; fastfetch -s kernel --pipe ) | sed 's/Kernel/- Kernel/g; s/OS //g' | tr '\n' ' '",
     "key": "Packages",
     "type": "command",
     "text": "( fastfetch -s packages --pipe; echo \"-\"; am -f --less && echo \"(AppMan)\" ) | sed 's/Packages //g' | tr '\n' ' '",
     "key": "WM & Theme",
     "type": "command",
     "text": "( fastfetch -s wm --pipe; fastfetch -s theme --pipe ) | sed 's/WM //g; s/Theme/-/g' | tr '\n' ' '"
      "key": "Icon & Font",
      "type": "command",
      "text": "( fastfetch -s icons --pipe; fastfetch -s font --pipe ) | sed 's/Icons //g; s/Font/-/g' | tr '\n' ' '"
      "key": "Terminal & Font",
      "type": "command",
      "text": "( fastfetch -s terminal --pipe; fastfetch -s terminalfont --pipe ) | sed 's/Terminal //g; s/Font/-/g' | tr '\n' ' '"
     "key": "Interactive Shell",
     "type": "shell",
      "key": "Swap",
      "type": "command",
      "text": "zramctl --raw | awk 'NR==2{print $5\"iB (\"$4\"iB / \"$3 \"iB) - ZRAM (\"$2\")\"}' | sed 's/\\([GMK]\\)iB/ \\1iB/g; s/BiB/ B/g'"
      "key": "GPU",
      "type": "command",
      "text": "cat $XDG_CACHE_HOME/fastfetch/gpuinfo"
      "key": "Vulkan",
      "type": "command",
      "text": "cat $XDG_CACHE_HOME/fastfetch/vulkaninfo"
      "type": "display",
      "compactType": "original-with-refresh-rate"
     "key": "Physical Disk Total IO",
     "type": "diskio",
     "detectTotal": true

The issue caused because one of my fastfetch scripts broke with the update, and now it prints the arch logo when running:


However even after disabling my scripts that pipe the output of fastfetch and removing the cached files, my fastfetch is still broken. Likely because the logo still gets printed on some of my "command" keys in the config.

I am using the released binaries from the repo (amd64.tar.gz) on archlinux.

I noticed that version 2.11.5 just released, it still has the same issue.

EDIT: I just noticed that I have to use --pipe -l none now. Will close the issue once I confirm that it works like it should after editing my config and scripts.

EDIT2: All good now, closing.