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Automate creation of conda build assets

hamelsmu opened this issue · comments

Problem: Conda builds require a directory with files:


  • build.bat
  • meata.yaml

You don't have to understand anything about these files, except that these are basically boilerplate with a few variables of things that need to be changed:

  1. bld.bat: example in this file you need to replace package name with a variable that is the package name
  2. also just need to replace the package name, however this one can be done via an environment variable called PKG_NM But Jeremy will change this detail. Reference:
  3. In Meta.yaml
    1. Need to fill in the name and version (see the template variables and this will make sense)
    2. Need to fill in the list of dependencies, which can be supplied via arguments from the user
    3. Need to fill in the test.imports. section with an import name, which can be different than the package name (example: opencv-python-headless vs cv2) -- investigate this to see if you can get the import name automatically somehow or if it needs to be supplied by the user.

Approach: look at fastrelase

  • pypi_details
  • update_meta
  • write_pip_conda_meta for an example of how to create yaml files

Things I'm not 100% sure about but will investigate:

  • Can I get the import name automatically ex: cv2 vs opencv-python-headless
  • Does the file that I materialize need to to be meta.yaml not meta.yaml.tmpl correct? I assume that meta.yaml.tmpl is an intermediate file that is processed outside of conda build but maybe conda build is providing direct support for templating?

@jph00 please review LMK if I'm missing anything.

In Meta.yaml

You're missing the other stuff that comes from the pypi metadata, such as author, description, and license. There's already fastrelease.conda.write_pip_conda_meta that can create meta.yaml from pypi metadata so you should be able to borrow from (or use) that.

Can I get the import name automatically ex: cv2 vs opencv-python-headless

No, that should be passed as an argument to the function

Does the file that I materialize need to to be meta.yaml not meta.yaml.tmpl correct

Correct. Ignore the current use of a tmpl file - that's just a short-term thing to get an initial version working.

I've changed bld.bat and to use the env var now.