faruktoptas / FancyShowCaseView

An easy-to-use customisable show case view with circular reveal animation.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Title ignores vertical gravity

amethystant opened this issue · comments

Used FancyShowCaseView 1.3.1

I'm focusing on a button in a fragment. The focus is right, but the title always stays on top of the screen no matter what gravity I set. It doesn't ignore horizontal gravity though, if I set it to CENTER, it centres the text but only horizontally. Vertical position never changes. It's not affected by what view I focus on and it's not affected by fitSystemWindows. I managed to overcome this by using a custom view instead, but it might be worth looking into.

In Fragment onStart() method I use the code below to show:

requireView().findViewById<View>(R.id.report_button).let {

Thank you @amethystant. I've seen the bug. It will be fixed with the next release. You can also use enableAutoTextPosition() parameter to align the title vertically to the center of the bigger space.

@faruktoptas Wondering if this bug is fixed

@jama5262 It's not released yet. I'll release it asap.

@amethystant @jama5262 this bug is fixed with 1.3.2 version.