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CLog - Command Line Ham Radio Logbook

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CLog - Command Line Ham Radio Logbook

CLog is a command-line logbook for amateur radio. There is no other interface available. If you don't like working on a command-line, forget this software. There's no GUI, TUI or whatever. However, if you can't live without your command-line, you might love it. At least I do :-)

CLog was originally named Hamlog-CLI, but since lots of ham radio logbooks are called 'Hamlog' this name would be too confusing. Therefore I renamed it to CLog.

CLog can be downloaded from

To contact the author, send an email to pa3hcm at amsat dot org or visit the website


Copyright (C) 2008-2016 Ernest Neijenhuis PA3HCM

This file is part of CLog.

CLog is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

CLog is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with CLog. If not, see


CLog is written by Ernest Neijenhuis PA3HCM.

Special thanks to Adrian van Bloois PA0RDA for testing CLog, and providing lots of ideas on functionality and usability.


  • Perl, including Switch, DBI and DBD::MySQL
  • MySQL server (3.23.23 or higher) and client

CLog is developed and tested on CentOS 7, with the included Switch, Perl, perl-DBI, perl-DBD-MySQL and MySQL. However, it should run on most UNIX/linux platforms. In some occasions you may have to change the perl path on the first line of the 'clog' file.


Use git to download the latest version:

cd ~
git clone

Go into the clog directory:

cd clog

Copy files to the desired directories:

cp clog /usr/local/bin
chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/clog
cp clog.1.gz /usr/local/share/man/man1
cp example.clogrc ~/.clogrc

Run the following command to create the 'clog' database:

mysql -u root -p < clog.sql

Review the configuration file ~/.clogrc. At least set the 'mycall' and 'mylocator' variables.

vi ~/.clogrc

Import the latest cty.dat:

clog import_cty cty.dat

Consider creating a crontab entry for this, e.g.:

6 6 * * 1 wget ; \
        clog import_cty cty.dat ; \
        rm cty.dat


A direct upgrade from CLog 0.4b or older is not possible. Upgrade to CLog 0.5b first, then upgrade to 1.0.

Upgrading is like installing, except that you mustn't create the 'clog' database. Instead, run the database upgrade:

clog dbupgrade

Since we changed the way of upgrading the database in version 0.6b, some users may see this error when running the 'clog dbupgrade' command:

DBD::mysql::db do failed: ALTER command denied to user 'apache'@'localhost'
for table 'qsos' at ./clog line 822, <CONFIG> line 13.

The problem is that the given user is not allowed to modify the database structure. To solve this, log in to the MySQL client as root, and run the following queries:

mysql -u root -p
Enter password: ********
mysql> REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON clog.* FROM 'cloguser'@'localhost';
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON clog.* TO 'cloguser'@'localhost'; 

Now run the upgrade again:

clog dbupgrade


When creating the database, a user 'cloguser' is created with the password 'clogpass'. Maybe you don't want these default credentials. Therefore you can modify the password of this user in the database using the MySQL client:

mysql -u root -p
Password: ******
mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR 'cloguser'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('new_password');

Now edit/create the .clogrc file in your home directory (see example.clogrc) and modify the value for dbpass:

dbpass = new_password

WordPress plugin

From version 0.11b a simple WordPress plugin is included with CLog. This plugin allows you to publish your logbook on a WordPress enabled website. The plugin is a single PHP-script and is named wp-clog.php.

Follow these steps to install the plugin:

Go to the document root of your WordPress website, e.g.:

cd /var/www/html

Go to the directory 'wp-content/plugins'.

cd wp-content/plugins

Create a directory called 'wp-clog':

mkdir wp-clog

Put the wp-clog.php file in this directory.

Verify rights are correctly set, e.g.:

chmod 0755 . wp-clog.php

Go to your WordPress dashboard using your favourite webbrowser.

Click on 'Plugins' in the sidebar.

Look for 'WP-CLog' and click 'Activate'.

Click 'Settings', customize the given options and click 'Save Changes'.

To list your QSO's on a page or blog post, include this in your content:


This will include a table with the 25 latest QSO's. If you want to change this number, use the 'limit' parameter, e.g.:

[wpclog-list limit=100]


CLog - Command Line Ham Radio Logbook

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Perl 87.4%Language:PHP 12.6%