farhadnawaz / franka_interactive_controllers

Control interface built on top of franka_ros that allows controlling the franka robot arm in several joint and Cartesian space impedance control schemes for interactive, safe and reactive (mostly DS-based) motion planning and learning.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Control interface built on top of franka_ros that allows to control the franka robot arm in several joint and Cartesian space impedance control schemes for interactive, safe and reactive (mostly DS-based) motion planning and learning. This low-level control interface is used and developed by/for Prof. Nadia Figueroa and her collaborators and students. Initially developed at MIT in the Interactive Robotics Group continued development at the University of Pennsylvania.


Besides franka_ros and by consequence libfranka this package depends on several other code repositories that are robot-agnostic and useful for control and learning of motion policies from demonstrations.

To install this repo and all its dependencies do the following steps:

  • In your catkin src directory clone the repository
$ git clone https://github.com/nbfigueroa/franka_interactive_controllers.git
  • wstool gets all other git repository dependencies, after the following steps you should see extra catkin packages in your src directory.
$  wstool init
$  wstool merge franka_interactive_controllers/dependencies.rosinstall 
$  wstool up 
  • Query and installs all libraries and packages
$ rosdep install --from-paths . --ignore-src --rosdistro <your-ros-distro> 
  • Install some additional python dependencies
$ sudo apt install python3-psutil python3-tkinter
  • Finally complie
  $ cd ~/catkin_ws
  $ catkin_make
  $ source devel/setup.bash
  $ catkin_make
  $ rospack profile

You might need to source the ./bashrc file and compile again if the first compliation could not find some of the in-house dependencies. If roscd doesn't find the compiled packages run rospack profile.


Control interface built on top of franka_ros that allows controlling the franka robot arm in several joint and Cartesian space impedance control schemes for interactive, safe and reactive (mostly DS-based) motion planning and learning.

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 86.3%Language:Python 10.5%Language:CMake 3.3%