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Moving lisp-invocation to a separate library?

eudoxia0 opened this issue · comments

I recently wrote a small library that does essentially the same, but then immediately found lisp-invocation. It'd be better for discovery if it was an independent library with its own README.

It is!
OK, the README is missing — maybe you can contribute it?

Note that the asdf-tools system in the minimakefile branch of asdf has a few extensions to lisp-invocation for allegro and ecl variants.

Ok, I'll write up a brief REAMDE.

Since I've been fatally spoiled by GitHub and don't know how to use GitLab I'll just post it here:


lisp-invocation is a small library for starting Lisp processes from Common Lisp.


A simple example: Starting an SBCL process, running some code and quitting. We
use external-program to run the process.

(destructuring-bind (command &rest arguments)
  (let ((code (format nil "(progn (+ 1 1) ~A)"
                      (lisp-invocation:quit-form :code 0 :implementation-type :sbcl))))
    (lisp-invocation:lisp-invocation-arglist :implementation-type :sbcl
                                             :eval code))
  ;; We start the process and return the process object
  (external-program:start command arguments))


Free Software available under an MIT-style license. See LICENSE in the xcbv

Copyright (c) 2008 ITA Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

Thanks a lot! I pushed something based on what you offered, except I tweaked it a bit. Enjoy!