fannheyward / coc-texlab

TexLab extension for coc.nvim

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Build failed: build process failed to start or crashed

oakszyjrnrdy opened this issue · comments

When I execute latex.Build, I get this error Build failed: build process failed to start or crashed.


## versions

vim version: NVIM v0.4.3
node version: v14.15.1
coc.nvim version: 0.0.79-1cf07be052
coc.nvim directory: /home/user1/.config/nvim/pack/minpac/start/coc.nvim
term: xterm-256color
platform: linux

## Log of coc.nvim

2020-11-23T18:09:53.131 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [workspace] - buffer created 1
2020-11-23T18:09:53.132 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: BufEnter [ 1 ]
2020-11-23T18:09:53.133 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: BufWinEnter [ 1, 1000 ]
2020-11-23T18:09:53.150 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [extensions] - activate: coc-marketplace
2020-11-23T18:09:53.177 INFO (pid:3005873) [services] - registered service "texlab"
2020-11-23T18:09:53.177 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [services] - starting service: texlab
2020-11-23T18:09:53.177 INFO (pid:3005873) [services] - TexLab state change: stopped => starting
2020-11-23T18:09:53.178 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [extensions] - activate: coc-texlab
2020-11-23T18:09:53.180 INFO (pid:3005873) [plugin] - coc.nvim 0.0.79-1cf07be052 initialized with node: v14.15.1 after 80ms
2020-11-23T18:09:53.185 INFO (pid:3005873) [language-client-index] - Language server "texlab" started with 3005884
2020-11-23T18:09:53.230 INFO (pid:3005873) [services] - TexLab state change: starting => running
2020-11-23T18:09:53.232 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [languages] - created service source texlab-1
2020-11-23T18:09:53.233 INFO (pid:3005873) [services] - service texlab started
2020-11-23T18:09:53.335 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorHold [ 1 ]
2020-11-23T18:09:54.094 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 1, [ 2, 1 ] ]
2020-11-23T18:09:54.196 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorHold [ 1 ]
2020-11-23T18:09:54.306 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 1, [ 1, 1 ] ]
2020-11-23T18:09:54.408 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorHold [ 1 ]
2020-11-23T18:09:54.610 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorHold [ 1 ]
2020-11-23T18:09:54.767 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorHold [ 1 ]
2020-11-23T18:09:57.366 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 1, [ 1, 2 ] ]
2020-11-23T18:09:57.367 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 1, [ 1, 1 ] ]
2020-11-23T18:09:57.469 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorHold [ 1 ]
2020-11-23T18:09:58.269 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorHold [ 1 ]
2020-11-23T18:09:58.459 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorHold [ 1 ]
2020-11-23T18:09:58.647 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorHold [ 1 ]
2020-11-23T18:09:58.789 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorHold [ 1 ]
2020-11-23T18:09:59.259 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: WinLeave [ 1000 ]
2020-11-23T18:09:59.259 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: WinEnter [ 1001 ]
2020-11-23T18:09:59.260 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 1, [ 1, 1 ] ]
2020-11-23T18:09:59.262 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: FileType [ 'list', 2 ]
2020-11-23T18:09:59.262 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: BufEnter [ 2 ]
2020-11-23T18:09:59.263 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: BufWinEnter [ 2, 1001 ]
2020-11-23T18:09:59.701 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: InputChar [ 'list', 'b', 0 ]
2020-11-23T18:10:00.301 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: InputChar [ 'list', '<cr>', 0 ]
2020-11-23T18:10:00.306 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: WinLeave [ 1001 ]
2020-11-23T18:10:00.306 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: WinEnter [ 1000 ]
2020-11-23T18:10:00.308 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: BufEnter [ 1 ]
2020-11-23T18:10:00.309 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 1, [ 1, 1 ] ]
2020-11-23T18:10:00.310 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: Command [ 'latex.Build' ]
2020-11-23T18:10:00.416 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorHold [ 1 ]
2020-11-23T18:10:09.198 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: FocusGained []
2020-11-23T18:10:09.360 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: FocusGained []
2020-11-23T18:10:15.832 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: FocusGained []
2020-11-23T18:10:15.950 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: FocusGained []
2020-11-23T18:10:17.660 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: FocusGained []
2020-11-23T18:10:17.828 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: FocusGained []
2020-11-23T18:10:21.288 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: FocusGained []
2020-11-23T18:10:21.459 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: FocusGained []
2020-11-23T18:10:23.994 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: FocusGained []
2020-11-23T18:10:24.122 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: FocusGained []
2020-11-23T18:10:28.343 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: FocusGained []
2020-11-23T18:10:28.441 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: FocusGained []
2020-11-23T18:10:33.912 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: FocusGained []
2020-11-23T18:10:34.052 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: FocusGained []
2020-11-23T18:10:39.952 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 1, [ 2, 1 ] ]
2020-11-23T18:10:40.055 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorHold [ 1 ]
2020-11-23T18:10:43.449 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: WinLeave [ 1000 ]
2020-11-23T18:10:43.449 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: WinEnter [ 1002 ]
2020-11-23T18:10:43.450 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 1, [ 2, 1 ] ]
2020-11-23T18:10:43.451 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: FileType [ 'list', 3 ]
2020-11-23T18:10:43.451 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: BufEnter [ 3 ]
2020-11-23T18:10:43.452 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: BufWinEnter [ 3, 1002 ]
2020-11-23T18:10:53.744 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: FocusGained []
2020-11-23T18:10:53.928 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: FocusGained []
2020-11-23T18:10:57.328 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: FocusGained []
2020-11-23T18:10:57.510 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: FocusGained []
2020-11-23T18:11:39.899 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: FocusGained []
2020-11-23T18:11:40.050 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: FocusGained []
2020-11-23T18:11:41.033 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: InputChar [ 'list', '<esc>', 0 ]
2020-11-23T18:11:41.034 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 3, [ 1, 1 ] ]
2020-11-23T18:11:41.035 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: TextChanged [ 3, 3 ]
2020-11-23T18:11:41.035 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: WinLeave [ 1002 ]
2020-11-23T18:11:41.035 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: WinEnter [ 1000 ]
2020-11-23T18:11:41.036 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: BufEnter [ 1 ]
2020-11-23T18:11:41.037 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 1, [ 2, 1 ] ]
2020-11-23T18:11:41.140 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorHold [ 1 ]
2020-11-23T18:11:41.341 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorHold [ 1 ]
2020-11-23T18:11:41.500 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorHold [ 1 ]

node version: v14.15.1
coc.nvim version: 0.0.79-1cf07be052
coc.nvim directory: /home/user1/.config/nvim/pack/minpac/start/coc.nvim
term: xterm-256color
platform: linux

## Log of coc.nvim

2020-11-23T18:09:53.131 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [workspace] - buffer created 1
2020-11-23T18:09:53.132 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: BufEnter [ 1 ]
2020-11-23T18:09:53.133 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: BufWinEnter [ 1, 1000 ]
2020-11-23T18:09:53.150 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [extensions] - activate: coc-marketplace
2020-11-23T18:09:53.177 INFO (pid:3005873) [services] - registered service "texlab"
2020-11-23T18:09:53.177 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [services] - starting service: texlab
2020-11-23T18:09:53.177 INFO (pid:3005873) [services] - TexLab state change: stopped => starting
2020-11-23T18:09:53.178 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [extensions] - activate: coc-texlab
2020-11-23T18:09:53.180 INFO (pid:3005873) [plugin] - coc.nvim 0.0.79-1cf07be052 initialized with node: v14.15.1 after 80ms
2020-11-23T18:09:53.185 INFO (pid:3005873) [language-client-index] - Language server "texlab" started with 3005884
2020-11-23T18:09:53.230 INFO (pid:3005873) [services] - TexLab state change: starting => running
2020-11-23T18:09:53.232 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [languages] - created service source texlab-1
2020-11-23T18:09:53.233 INFO (pid:3005873) [services] - service texlab started
2020-11-23T18:09:53.335 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorHold [ 1 ]
2020-11-23T18:09:54.094 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 1, [ 2, 1 ] ]
2020-11-23T18:09:54.196 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorHold [ 1 ]
2020-11-23T18:09:54.306 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 1, [ 1, 1 ] ]
2020-11-23T18:09:54.408 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorHold [ 1 ]
2020-11-23T18:09:54.610 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorHold [ 1 ]
2020-11-23T18:09:54.767 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorHold [ 1 ]
2020-11-23T18:09:57.366 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 1, [ 1, 2 ] ]
2020-11-23T18:09:57.367 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 1, [ 1, 1 ] ]
2020-11-23T18:09:57.469 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorHold [ 1 ]
2020-11-23T18:09:58.269 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorHold [ 1 ]
2020-11-23T18:09:58.459 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorHold [ 1 ]
2020-11-23T18:09:58.647 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorHold [ 1 ]
2020-11-23T18:09:58.789 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorHold [ 1 ]
2020-11-23T18:09:59.259 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: WinLeave [ 1000 ]
2020-11-23T18:09:59.259 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: WinEnter [ 1001 ]
2020-11-23T18:09:59.260 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 1, [ 1, 1 ] ]
2020-11-23T18:09:59.262 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: FileType [ 'list', 2 ]
2020-11-23T18:09:59.262 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: BufEnter [ 2 ]
2020-11-23T18:09:59.263 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: BufWinEnter [ 2, 1001 ]
2020-11-23T18:09:59.701 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: InputChar [ 'list', 'b', 0 ]
2020-11-23T18:10:00.301 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: InputChar [ 'list', '<cr>', 0 ]
2020-11-23T18:10:00.306 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: WinLeave [ 1001 ]
2020-11-23T18:10:00.306 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: WinEnter [ 1000 ]
2020-11-23T18:10:00.308 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: BufEnter [ 1 ]
2020-11-23T18:10:00.309 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 1, [ 1, 1 ] ]
2020-11-23T18:10:00.310 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: Command [ 'latex.Build' ]
2020-11-23T18:10:00.416 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorHold [ 1 ]
2020-11-23T18:10:09.198 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: FocusGained []
2020-11-23T18:10:09.360 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: FocusGained []
2020-11-23T18:10:15.832 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: FocusGained []
2020-11-23T18:10:15.950 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: FocusGained []
2020-11-23T18:10:17.660 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: FocusGained []
2020-11-23T18:10:17.828 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: FocusGained []
2020-11-23T18:10:21.288 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: FocusGained []
2020-11-23T18:10:21.459 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: FocusGained []
2020-11-23T18:10:23.994 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: FocusGained []
2020-11-23T18:10:24.122 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: FocusGained []
2020-11-23T18:10:28.343 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: FocusGained []
2020-11-23T18:10:28.441 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: FocusGained []
2020-11-23T18:10:33.912 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: FocusGained []
2020-11-23T18:10:34.052 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: FocusGained []
2020-11-23T18:10:39.952 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 1, [ 2, 1 ] ]
2020-11-23T18:10:40.055 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorHold [ 1 ]
2020-11-23T18:10:43.449 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: WinLeave [ 1000 ]
2020-11-23T18:10:43.449 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: WinEnter [ 1002 ]
2020-11-23T18:10:43.450 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 1, [ 2, 1 ] ]
2020-11-23T18:10:43.451 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: FileType [ 'list', 3 ]
2020-11-23T18:10:43.451 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: BufEnter [ 3 ]
2020-11-23T18:10:43.452 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: BufWinEnter [ 3, 1002 ]
2020-11-23T18:10:53.744 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: FocusGained []
2020-11-23T18:10:53.928 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: FocusGained []
2020-11-23T18:10:57.328 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: FocusGained []
2020-11-23T18:10:57.510 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: FocusGained []
2020-11-23T18:11:39.899 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: FocusGained []
2020-11-23T18:11:40.050 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: FocusGained []
2020-11-23T18:11:41.033 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: InputChar [ 'list', '<esc>', 0 ]
2020-11-23T18:11:41.034 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 3, [ 1, 1 ] ]
2020-11-23T18:11:41.035 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: TextChanged [ 3, 3 ]
2020-11-23T18:11:41.035 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: WinLeave [ 1002 ]
2020-11-23T18:11:41.035 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: WinEnter [ 1000 ]
2020-11-23T18:11:41.036 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: BufEnter [ 1 ]
2020-11-23T18:11:41.037 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 1, [ 2, 1 ] ]
2020-11-23T18:11:41.140 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorHold [ 1 ]
2020-11-23T18:11:41.341 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorHold [ 1 ]
2020-11-23T18:11:41.500 DEBUG (pid:3005873) [events] - Event: CursorHold [ 1 ]