fannheyward / coc-texlab

TexLab extension for coc.nvim

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Config when latex is not on PATH

awlayton opened this issue · comments

My latex is not visible on my PATH, but I configured the full location to latexmk in my CocConfig. However I still get an error about "Your Tex distribution cannot be detected". Is this intended? It seems like it should be able to just call the command I gave it...

How do you config your latexmk in CocConfig?

I added this to my CocConfig
"": "/usr/local/texlive/2019/bin/x86_64-linux/latexmk",

Can you reproduce this issue with VSCode + Looks like it's a TexLab issue.

For now, you can safely ignore the message about your TeX distribution being not detected. Detecting the TeX distribution is not required to build a document. In fact, a TeX distribution in the PATH is only required for the following features:

  • Resolving things like \addbibresource{biblatex-examples.bib} or \usepackage{mycustompackage}, where mycustompackage.sty is a local package which you installed or created on your own and is not part of the package index texlab ships with
  • Rendering math formulas (e. g. when hovering over \begin{equation})

All other features should work without a TeX distribution just fine.
We will convert this error message to a log message with warning level in the next version of texlab.