fannheyward / coc-texlab

TexLab extension for coc.nvim

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Error popup during typing after updating coc.nvim

wrvsrx opened this issue · comments

vim version: VIM - Vi IMproved 8.2 (2019 Dec 12, compiled Apr 4 2020 13:23:00)
node version: v13.12.0
coc.nvim version: 0.0.78-ceb9e47d24
term: dumb
platform: linux
texlab version: 1.10.0-1 (install from pacman)
coc-texlab version: 1.10.2 (installed by CocInstall coc-texlab)

Yesterday, I update coc.nvim and after that I get such error when I editing tex files.

Error detected while processing function <lambda>5[1]..<SNR>108_execute:
line    2:
Complete texlab error: Cannot read property 'newText' of undefined

This can be reproduced in such ways:

  1. create a tex file
  2. write as below
        \ite% cursor is here
  1. When you type "\ite", the error popups.

I can reproduced it in my two PC, using gvim on windows, vim in wsl and vim in wsl2.

Since I am not sure if the error comes from coc-texlab or update of coc.nvim, I post issue on both. If it's inappropriate please tell me.