fannheyward / coc-deno

Deno extension for coc.nvim

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Code Lens Run Test should use a pattern to filter exact tests.

martin-braun opened this issue · comments

Running the first test using the keybinding for <Plug>(coc-codelens-action) will cause both tests to be executed:

Deno.test("[io] myTest", function () {

Deno.test("[io] myTest2", function () {
	throw new AssertionError("This test must not run!");

This is because it runs:

deno test --allow-all --unstable --filter "[io] myTest" my_test.ts

But it actually should run the command with a regex pattern filter:

deno test --allow-all --unstable --filter "/^\[io\] myTest$/" my_test.ts

Only then it matches only the current test.


@fannheyward I have all my coc extensions managed in g:coc_global_extensions. I assume updating should work through PackerSync, it's not? The change is not available or working for me.

Am I missing something?

@martin-braun no, extensions are updated by CocUpdate.

@fannheyward Thanks, new to CoC, worked like charm, now I see your changes.