faisaltheparttimecoder / mock-data

Mock data in PostgreSQL/Greenplum databases

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Error when updating the foreign key for table \"public\".\"jbid_io_attr\", err: ERROR #22P02 invalid input syntax for type bigint: \"\"

janpio opened this issue · comments

mock-windows-amd64-v2.4.exe database -a localhost -w foo -f -v -d exo
time="2020-03-08 16:47:56" level=debug msg="Extracting the foreign violations for table \"public\".\"gamification_rule\" and column gamification_domain" file="sql.go:517"
Fixing FOREIGN KEYS violation  19% [========>                                         ] (16/81) [10s:42s]time="2020-03-08 16:47:56" level=debug msg="Fixing the Primary / Unique Key" file="constraintsRestore.go:99"
time="2020-03-08 16:47:56" level=debug msg="Checking / Fixing FOREIGN KEY Violation table: \"public\".\"jbid_io\", column: realm, reference: jbid_realm(id)" file="constraintsRestore.go:109"
time="2020-03-08 16:47:56" level=debug msg="Extracting the foreign violations for table \"public\".\"jbid_io\" and column jbid_realm" file="sql.go:517"
Fixing FOREIGN KEYS violation  20% [=========>                                        ] (17/81) [11s:41s]time="2020-03-08 16:47:57" level=debug msg="Fixing the Primary / Unique Key" file="constraintsRestore.go:99"
time="2020-03-08 16:47:57" level=debug msg="Checking / Fixing FOREIGN KEY Violation table: \"public\".\"jbid_io\", column: identity_type, reference: jbid_io_type(id)" file="constraintsRestore.go:109"
time="2020-03-08 16:47:57" level=debug msg="Extracting the foreign violations for table \"public\".\"jbid_io\" and column jbid_io_type" file="sql.go:517"
Fixing FOREIGN KEYS violation  22% [==========>                                       ] (18/81) [11s:40s]time="2020-03-08 16:47:57" level=debug msg="Fixing the Primary / Unique Key" file="constraintsRestore.go:99"
time="2020-03-08 16:47:57" level=debug msg="Checking / Fixing FOREIGN KEY Violation table: \"public\".\"jbid_io_attr\", column: identity_object_id, reference: jbid_io(id)" file="constraintsRestore.go:109"
time="2020-03-08 16:47:57" level=debug msg="Extracting the foreign violations for table \"public\".\"jbid_io_attr\" and column jbid_io" file="sql.go:517"
Fixing FOREIGN KEYS violation  23% [==========>                                       ] (19/81) [12s:38s]time="2020-03-08 16:47:58" level=debug msg="Fixing the Primary / Unique Key" file="constraintsRestore.go:99"
time="2020-03-08 16:47:58" level=debug msg="Checking / Fixing FOREIGN KEY Violation table: \"public\".\"jbid_io_attr\", column: bin_value_id, reference: jbid_attr_bin_value(bin_value_id)" file="constraintsRestore.go:109"
time="2020-03-08 16:47:58" level=debug msg="Extracting the foreign violations for table \"public\".\"jbid_io_attr\" and column jbid_attr_bin_value" file="sql.go:517"
time="2020-03-08 16:47:59" level=debug msg="Extracting the foreign violations for table \"public\".\"jbid_io_attr\" and column jbid_attr_bin_value" file="sql.go:517"

time="2020-03-08 16:47:59" level=debug msg="query: \nUPDATE \"public\".\"jbid_io_attr\" \nSET    bin_value_id = \n       ( \n              SELECT bin_value_id \n              FROM   jbid_attr_bin_value offset floor(random()*0) limit 1) \nWHERE  bin_value_id = ''\n" file="sql.go:549"
time="2020-03-08 16:47:59" level=fatal msg="Error when updating the foreign key for table \"public\".\"jbid_io_attr\", err: ERROR #22P02 invalid input syntax for type bigint: \"\"" file="sql.go:550"

Schema is https://github.com/prisma/database-schema-examples/blob/master/postgres/exo/schema.sql

Yup mock-data would not have added any rows on the table jbid_attr_bin_value

 CREATE TABLE public.jbid_attr_bin_value (
    bin_value_id bigint NOT NULL,
    value oid

since it contains a column oid that we don't support. You should have received a warning like this


on the screen, that we skipped the table. I believe we should support it since its a postgres inbuilt datatype, will add this to the list


time="2020-03-08 23:52:56" level=debug msg="Table \"public\".\"jbid_attr_bin_value\" skipped, since the column value, had unknown data type oid: unsupported datatypes found: oid" file="worker.go:138"
time="2020-03-08 23:53:01" level=debug msg="Table \"public\".\"jbid_creden_bin_value\" skipped, since the column value, had unknown data type oid: unsupported datatypes found: oid" file="worker.go:138"

With the many tables, and verbose output, it was super easy to miss.

Fixed added support for OID, will be available on the next release