factorsofx / final-project

CS230 final project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Modular Synthesizer

This project is designed to mimic a modular synthesizer, used to create electronic music. A modular synthesizer uses a number of different modules, each performing a single small task, all hooked together via patch cables. These cables can be easily moved around and reconfigured to create many different sounds.

NOTE: At present, there is not a system to save configurations (patches) between runs. The demo provided in synthesizer.py is designed to demonstrate how a patch may be put together, but does not use all the available nodes. A more complete application could be built around this project, if given more time.


Unlike the analog audio that many real-world synthesizers use, this project uses digital audio. An audio file is a collection of discrete samples, taken at a fixed frequency. A traditional frequency to use is 44,100 Hz, meaning that there are 44,100 samples taken every second. The default audio settings for this project are 16-bit PCM single-channel audio at 44.1kHz. This means that each sample is a 16-bit integer, from -32768 to 32767, and that there is one sample per WAV frame, and that there are 44,100 frames per second.


This project uses an object-oriented model to model a modular synthesizer. Each module is a single object, which owns its output, each an object as well. Each module has two dictionaries, one for inputs and the other for outputs, that map the names to the actual outputs.

The output objects each contain two values, the value it had in the last timestep, and the value to be set after this timestep is over. This means that when a module reads one of its inputs, it actually sees the value produced last timestep. If this were not the case, the output might be influenced by which module was processed first, which is not guaranteed.

Example Uses

Due to the lack of both a patch-saving system and time to actually create these, there are no concrete examples available, but in theory the following systems would be quite simple to make.

The setup present in synthesizer.py is a simple example of an LFO, where a low frequency oscillator controls the frequency of the oscillator actually outputting audio data.

A vocoder takes the input, splits it into a number of different frequency bands, and applies the amplitude values of these bands to a different signal. To make a vocoder, a series of LowPassFilterNodes and HighPassFilterNodes could be used to construct a multi-band filter. Each of those bands would feed into a RootMeanSquareNode could be used to construct a multi-band filter. Then an AudioInputNode, another multi-band filter as described above, and a series of MultiplicationNodes could be used to apply the RMS amplitudes to the other signal.

Subtractive Synthesis Subtractive synthesis is a sound synthesis process where a harmonically-rich source sound is filtered to alter its tibre characteristics. With just HighPassFilterNodes and LowPassFilterNodes many different sound characteristics can be created from the source sound of a SquareOscillatorNode. You could also take a more complicated source and use an AudioInputNode to read it as the source.

Additive Synthesis Additive synthesis takes the opposite approch from Subtractive synthesis, forming complex tones from very simple sine wave harmonics. This is trivial to do by adding the output of multiple SineOscillatorNodes with different input frequencies together.

LFO Many synthesizers have LFOs, or Low-Frequency Oscillators. These oscillators do not directly create sound, but instead alter the parameters of other modules. For example, an LFO could modulate the cutoff frequency of a high-pass filter to create a "wah-wah" sound effect as the bright upper harmonics are cut off and restored. In this project a SineOscillatorNode could be used at an extremely low frequency, and then plugged into other modules' inputs, like a filter cutoff (after scaling it appropriately) or even another oscillator's frequency.

List of Available Concrete Module Types

  • SineOscillatorNode - A sine wave oscillator
  • SquareOscillatorNode - A square wave oscillator
  • LowPassFilterNode - A low pass filter
  • HighPassFilterNode - A high pass filter
  • ConstantNode - Outputs a single constant value
  • AdditionNode - Adds its two inputs together
  • MultiplicationNode - Multiplies its two inputs together
  • TanHLimiterNode - Applies the tanh function to its input, constraining it between -1 and 1.
  • RootMeanSquareNode - Takes the root mean square of the input, used to determine amplitude of a signal.
  • AudioInputNode - Reads audio data from an external file and outputs it.

Other Classes

  • GraphNode - The parent class of all the nodes, manages inputs and outputs
  • Output - Responsible for actually carrying an old value and a new value, as described above
  • TimeTrackingNode - Superclass of filters and oscillators, keeps track of the time elapsed


CS230 final project


Language:Python 65.8%Language:Shell 34.2%