facette / facette

Time series data visualization software

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Suggestion: Ctrl + Click to drag graphs left and right

sbrl opened this issue · comments

I haven't installed it yet, but I was check out the demo with a view to replacing CGP, which is now no longer supported as far as I can tell.

However, I noticed that the UI for navigating left and right on graphs feels very clunky. I suggest that by holding control, you should be able to drag the graph left and right.

Hi @sbrl,

Thanks for the suggestion.

I get that the sliding buttons might not be ideal, I'll keep this issue opened for future improvement.

However it might be not that easy task as the charts are canvas-rendered images and that might need some pretty huge changes to handle that.

But I like the idea though!

Ah, I suspected that. Still, it would be a great enhancement to have!