facebookresearch / robust_cvd

Robust Consistent Video Depth Estimation

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Result camera poses

kwea123 opened this issue · comments


In the notebook there is only depth visualization, and in result folder structure I don't see anything related to the camera poses.

How do you output the estimated poses and visualize them like in the README?

The camera poses are recorded in the video.dat file, which is in a custom binary format. We plan to clean up and release the format conversion (most likely to the COLMAP format) and visualization code then.

Looking forward to the visualisation code!

@ionvision Thanks for planning to release the format conversion (especially the COLMAP format). Looking forward to such implementation!

FWIW, you can export the camera poses by dumping the depth frame properties in python. What works for me is adding the following code after this line

        depth_stream_id = 2
        pose_export_path = os.path.join(self.base_dir, 'camera_params')
        os.makedirs(pose_export_path, exist_ok=True)
        n_frames = self.depth_video.numFrames()
        for n in range(n_frames):
            print(f'saving cam params of frame {n}')
            depth_frame = self.depth_video.depthStream(depth_stream_id).frame(n)
            world2cam = depth_frame.extrinsics.worldToCamera()
            vF =depth_frame.intrinsics.vFov
            hF =depth_frame.intrinsics.hFov
            np.savez(os.path.join(pose_export_path, f'frame_{n:06d}.npz'), vF=vF, hF=hF, world2cam=world2cam)

The camera poses are recorded in the video.dat file, which is in a custom binary format. We plan to clean up and release the format conversion (most likely to the COLMAP format) and visualization code then.

@ionvision will you release code recently?

@txytju Here's a script I use to extract camera poses from .dat files:

import os.path as osp
import sys
import numpy as np
from os import makedirs
sys.path.append(osp.join(osp.dirname(__file__), "lib/build"))
from lib_python import (
track_path = "" # path to dat file
depth_video = DepthVideo()
n_frames = depth_video.numFrames()
for n in range(n_frames):
    depth_frame = depth_video.depthStream(2).frame(n)
    world2cam = depth_frame.extrinsics.worldToCamera()
    vF =depth_frame.intrinsics.vFov
    hF =depth_frame.intrinsics.hFov
    makedirs(osp.join(track_path, 'camera_poses'), exist_ok=True)
    np.savez(os.path.join(track_path, 'camera_poses', f'frame_{n:06d}.npz'), vF=vF, hF=hF, world2cam=world2cam)

@txytju Here's a script I use to extract camera poses from .dat files:

import os.path as osp
import sys
import numpy as np
from os import makedirs
sys.path.append(osp.join(osp.dirname(__file__), "lib/build"))
from lib_python import (
track_path = "" # path to dat file
depth_video = DepthVideo()
n_frames = depth_video.numFrames()
for n in range(n_frames):
    depth_frame = depth_video.depthStream(2).frame(n)
    world2cam = depth_frame.extrinsics.worldToCamera()
    vF =depth_frame.intrinsics.vFov
    hF =depth_frame.intrinsics.hFov
    makedirs(osp.join(track_path, 'camera_poses'), exist_ok=True)
    np.savez(os.path.join(track_path, 'camera_poses', f'frame_{n:06d}.npz'), vF=vF, hF=hF, world2cam=world2cam)

@ztzhang Thanks for your reply and example! It helps a lot!

@txytju Here's a script I use to extract camera poses from .dat files:

import os.path as osp
import sys
import numpy as np
from os import makedirs
sys.path.append(osp.join(osp.dirname(__file__), "lib/build"))
from lib_python import (
track_path = "" # path to dat file
depth_video = DepthVideo()
n_frames = depth_video.numFrames()
for n in range(n_frames):
    depth_frame = depth_video.depthStream(2).frame(n)
    world2cam = depth_frame.extrinsics.worldToCamera()
    vF =depth_frame.intrinsics.vFov
    hF =depth_frame.intrinsics.hFov
    makedirs(osp.join(track_path, 'camera_poses'), exist_ok=True)
    np.savez(os.path.join(track_path, 'camera_poses', f'frame_{n:06d}.npz'), vF=vF, hF=hF, world2cam=world2cam)

Have you met error when running depth_video.load(track_path) ? I thinkload() and save() method of class DepthVideo don't match.

I am having similar problem with @txytju, I have this error when load the .dat file

root@f2f96bd31e3c:/cvd2# python read_pose.py --track_path ./family_run_output/
WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
I1010 12:44:02.790782   490 DepthVideo.cpp:124] Loading depth video './family_run_output/'...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "read_pose.py", line 21, in <module>
ValueError: basic_string::_M_create

I am having similar problem with @txytju, I have this error when load the .dat file

root@f2f96bd31e3c:/cvd2# python read_pose.py --track_path ./family_run_output/
WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
I1010 12:44:02.790782   490 DepthVideo.cpp:124] Loading depth video './family_run_output/'...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "read_pose.py", line 21, in <module>
ValueError: basic_string::_M_create

There are a few mismatch in load() and save(), I tried to fixed but I could not correct them all.
P.S. I have just done reading your paper "Free-Viewpoint RGB-D Human Performance Capture and Rendering". What a small world!

@ztzhang , I am also facing same issue, any suggestions to resolve this?