facebookresearch / LASER

Language-Agnostic SEntence Representations

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Sentence Embedding Reads No Input

prasunshrestha opened this issue · comments

I want to calculate sentence embeddings of a text file, so I followed the code as instructed
. However, the encoder doesn't read any sentence from the text file. I made sure the file wasn't corrupted but to no avail. Here is the error message I get:

  • Encoder: loading [redacted]/laser/models/wmt22/laser2.pt
  • SPM: processing sample_input.txt
  • Encoder: spm to sample_input.bin
  • Encoder: 0 sentences in 0s

Where could I have gone wrong? Thank you!

@prasunshrestha could you try: pip install transliterate and then re-embedding? Sometimes this library is missing which causes issues.

Thanks, Kevin! I ended up re-doing the whole installation process from the start, and it worked. Perhaps, what you suggested might have done the trick.