facebookresearch / Kats

Kats, a kit to analyze time series data, a lightweight, easy-to-use, generalizable, and extendable framework to perform time series analysis, from understanding the key statistics and characteristics, detecting change points and anomalies, to forecasting future trends.

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Frequency error when using holtwinters with alpha.

LumingSun opened this issue · comments

I'm using holtwinters model for hourly data. Everything is OK with fcst = m.predict(steps=24,freq="h",include_history=False) and the result is hourly-distributed.

But if I add the alpha parameter to get forecasting bound fcst = m.predict(steps=24,freq="h",alpha=alpha,include_history=False), the forecasting results become 24 daily data with the same hour value as the last timestamp in history data.

I could see default argument for frequency is "D"

def get_eci(self, steps: int, freq: str = "D") -> pd.DataFrame:

In the case when alpha is passed as an argument forecast is obtained from get_eci function where only steps is passed. Additionally freq also need to be passed.

fcst = eci.get_eci(steps=steps)