facebookincubator / FBX2glTF

A command-line tool for the conversion of 3D model assets on the FBX file format to the glTF file format.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

unsupported transform inheritance type 'eInheritRrSs'

yslion opened this issue · comments

.\FBX2glTF.exe .\2.fbx
Warning: node /RootNode/mixamorig9:Hips uses unsupported transform inheritance type 'eInheritRrSs'.
(Further warnings of this type squelched.)
Animation mixamo.com: [0 - 41]
Wrote 69930 bytes of glTF to ./2_out/2.gltf.
Wrote 35616 bytes of binary data to ./2_out/buffer.bin.

for that warnin , the gltf file doesn't work ,may be animation info lost