facebookarchive / xcbuild

Xcode-compatible build tool.

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cmake compiler not set

TONY-CONNECT opened this issue · comments

hi trying to install dlib but encounter this issue that cmake compiler not set.
in attempt to fix i saw this:

C:\WINDOWS\system32>SET(CMAKE_C_COMPILER C:/MinGW/bin/gcc.exe)
Environment variable (CMAKE_C_COMPILER C:/MinGW/bin/gcc.exe) not defined

i don't know how to go about it. thanks in anticipation for your help.

@TONY-CONNECT It looks like you're trying to tell CMake where to find your C Compiler. You want to configure this with environmental variables. In Windows, you can use setx like:
setx CC "C:\MinGW\bin\gcc.exe"
Similarly with your C++ Compiler but with the CXX variable rather than CC, my guess is you will be using g++ ?
If you do want to modify CMakeLists.txt that is where you would place SET(CMAKE_C_COMPILER ...) and SET(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER ...)

Yeah, what @NaruFGT said is correct. I'll close this issue as it is likely resolved.