facebookarchive / xcbuild

Xcode-compatible build tool.

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Need help, there are so many error ('can not find *** specification') when i run the xcbuild command from terminal

JianpingZeng opened this issue · comments

My build environment is Mac OSX 10.12 Seria, cmake version 3.8, the compiler is apple llvm 8.1.0

After i perform the given commands to build the xcbuild project sucessfully,
i execute the xcbuild command from terminal, but there are many error encountered as follow.

warning: unhandled ProductType key IsUnitTest
warning: unhandled ProductType key IsUITest
warning: unhandled ProductType key IsUnitTest
warning: unhandled ProductType key IsUnitTest
warning: unhandled ProductType key IsUITest
warning: unhandled ProductType key IsUnitTest
error: cannot find base BuildSystem specification 'embedded-shared:com.apple.buildsettings.standard'
error: cannot find base ProductType specification 'embedded-shared:com.apple.product-type.framework'
error: cannot find base ProductType specification 'embedded-shared:com.apple.product-type.xpc-service'
error: cannot find base ProductType specification 'embedded:com.apple.product-type.pluginkit-plugin'
error: cannot find base BuildSystem specification 'embedded:com.apple.build-system.core'
error: cannot find base BuildSystem specification 'embedded:com.apple.build-system.native'
error: cannot find base Linker specification 'embedded:com.apple.pbx.linkers.ld'
error: cannot find base ProductType specification 'embedded-simulator:com.apple.product-type.pluginkit-plugin'
warning: unhandled ProductType key IsUnitTest
warning: unhandled ProductType key IsUITest
warning: unhandled ProductType key IsUnitTest
error: cannot find base ProductType specification 'iphoneos-shared:com.apple.product-type.application'
error: cannot find base ProductType specification 'iphoneos-shared:com.apple.product-type.app-extension'
error: cannot find base ProductType specification 'iphoneos-shared:com.apple.product-type.app-extension'
error: cannot find base BuildSystem specification 'embedded:com.apple.build-system.native'
error: cannot find base ProductType specification 'appletvos-shared:com.apple.product-type.app-extension'
error: cannot find base ProductType specification 'appletvos-shared:com.apple.product-type.app-extension'
error: cannot find base ProductType specification 'watchos-shared:com.apple.product-type.application'
error: cannot find base ProductType specification 'watchos-shared:com.apple.product-type.app-extension'
error: cannot find base ProductType specification 'watchos-shared:com.apple.product-type.app-extension'
error: cannot find base ProductType specification 'watchos-shared:com.apple.product-type.app-extension'
error: cannot find base Compiler specification 'embedded:com.apple.compilers.llvm.clang.1_0.compiler'
error: cannot find base Compiler specification 'embedded:com.apple.xcode.tools.swift.compiler'
error: cannot find base Linker specification 'embedded:com.apple.pbx.linkers.ld'
error: cannot find base Compiler specification 'embedded:com.apple.xcode.tools.swift.compiler'
error: cannot find base Linker specification 'embedded:com.apple.pbx.linkers.ld'
error: cannot find base BuildSystem specification 'macosx:com.apple.buildsettings.standard'

I just follow the build commands listed in xcbuild page.
All of commands i used as follow.

mkdir build      # Creates a directory for storing the build result
make                # execute make
./build/xcbuild  # execute the xcbuild file

I am also seeing the same warnings and errors. My cmake version is 3.8.2 and clang is 8.1.0. What I am trying to build is an Xcode workspace for iOS. xcodebuild works fine.

I meet the error too, how to fix the error.

I fix the error by use the pre-release tag 0.1.1 to build project. The master HEAD has wrong.

git checkout 0.1.1
# then rebuild

@AwayQuEM Thanks, let me try it.


I fix the error by use the pre-release tag 0.1.1 to build project. The master HEAD has wrong.

git checkout 0.1.1
# then rebuild

I meet the error too, but when I try your steps, it seems like xcbuild 0.1.1 release version isn't compatibal with Xcode 9.2.