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Thrift on Netty

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Remove dependency on internal artifact

electrum opened this issue · comments

The nifty-core-fbcode module has a dependency on the internal com.facebook:thrift artifact. This has to be resolved before the open source release.

not just that, we have some sample code also have fbcode dependencies.
is there somewhere we can move them to ?

We should certainly be able to make a version of nifty without the nifty-fbcode-... artifacts if we needed to opensource this before merging these parts.

Do those internal artifacts contain things that should or shouldn't be part of the open source Thrift release?

Yeah they contain an unreleased internal version of thrift.

Oh sorry, I guess you mean the internal nifty artifacts (with 'fbcode' in the artifact name). Those depend on that internal thrift version instead of the open source version and take advantage of one or two currently internal-only features, so they probably shouldn't be open-sourced just to prevent confusion.

To be clear there is nothing really in the internal thrift AFAIK that we wouldn't eventually want to opensource anyway, its just that apache thrift and internal thrift have diverged.

Sorry, I was referring to the internal thrift artifacts. The main issue with releasing it would be that you can't build the project. There's also the issue that you want to push all the artifacts to Maven OSS as part of the release, and they might not be allowed due to unresolved dependencies (at minimum they would be useless to anyone outside FB).

So if we can't easily open source the internal thrift, or if the fbcode modules are not useful outside of FB, it might be best to put them in a separate nifty-fbcode repository.

I've created nifty-fbcode and will be moving fbcode related code there.