facebookarchive / flashback

Capture and replay real mongodb workloads

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

multiple-value gopass.GetPasswd() in single-value context when installing

gabocic opened this issue · comments

myserver$ go get github.com/ParsePlatform/flashback/cmd/flashback


gopath/src/github.com/mongodb/mongo-tools/common/password/pass_util.go:20: multiple-value gopass.GetPasswd() in single-value context

This is an issue in the mongo-tools lib and one of its dependencies. Details here: https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-tools/issues/56 - I guess I'll leave this open until the dependency is fixed, but there's not much we can do in flashback until the compile error is fixed in mongo-tools.

Ok, got it. Thanks for your quick response!

Any work around until the mongo-tools is fixed? like pin mongo-tools dependency to any specific working version?

If you checkout gopass based on this commit (howeyc/gopass@690bfe6) you should still be able to build flashback.

I'm not sure how you can solve this cleanly with "go get" as it seems to fetch the latest commit. But here are the steps I followed:

$ go get github.com/howeyc/gopass
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/howeyc/gopass
$ git checkout 690bfe66b9c415ca9c241192a95008baabd6cbe9
$ rm -f $GOPATH/pkg/github.com/howeyc/gopass.a
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/flashback/cmd/flashback
$ go build

Hope this helps.

Thanks, resolved using this patch mongodb/mongo-tools#57