facebook / yoga

Yoga is an embeddable layout engine targeting web standards.

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Typo in recent module.modulemap change that breaks Swift PM-based builds

markbeaton opened this issue · comments


Issues and Steps to Reproduce

Add a Swift package dependency to an iOS project, using Yoga main as the source, e.g.

dependencies: [
  .package(url: "https://github.com/facebook/yoga.git", branch: "main")

Try building the app

Expected Behavior

Packge downloads, app builds

Actual Behavior

There's now compile error ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/EVC-bydlhmwwpocypdbxfvgyintbwnnk/SourcePackages/checkouts/yoga/yoga/module.modulemap:15:16 Header 'YGNodeStye.h' not found

Line in module.modulemap should be YGNodeStyle.h:

header "YGNodeStye.h"

Looks like the Swift Build Automation we have does not include anything for the headers the project generates. Need to add more/better tests here alongside fixing the typo.