facebook / starlark-rust

A Rust implementation of the Starlark language

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Make a release

ndmitchell opened this issue · comments

As promised in #28

Done with version 0.5.0.

Hey @ndmitchell, I think we need a new release again, because I'm getting this error with nightly:

   Compiling starlark v0.5.0
error: invalid format string: expected `'}'`, found `'\''`
   --> /home/goedev/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/starlark-0.5.0/src/values/interpolation.rs:197:58
197 |             ('{', ..) => return Err(anyhow!("Unmatched '{' in format string")),
    |                                                         -^ expected `}` in format string
    |                                                         |
    |                                                         because of this opening brace
    = note: if you intended to print `{`, you can escape it using `{{`

error: invalid format string: expected `'}'`, found `'\''`
   --> /home/goedev/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/starlark-0.5.0/src/values/interpolation.rs:213:39
213 |         _ => Err(anyhow!("Unmatched '{' in format string")),
    |                                      -^ expected `}` in format string
    |                                      |
    |                                      because of this opening brace
    = note: if you intended to print `{`, you can escape it using `{{`

error: could not compile `starlark` due to 2 previous errors

For now, I fixed this problem adding starlark with git path to the dependencies list. Thanks.

The issue is a newer anyhow release broke the anyhow! formatting strings. I'll make a new release on Monday.

Done - 0.6.0 is now out @gkmngrgn