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`0.2.20231113-145254-995db0d6` regression build failure

chenrui333 opened this issue · comments

While upgrading rust to 1.75.0 on the homebrew side, we found some regression build failure as below:

error: failed to select a version for `hostcaps`.
    ... required by package `configloader v0.1.0 (/private/tmp/sapling-20240101-46281-v7po5z/sapling-0.2.20231113-145254-995db0d6/eden/scm/lib/config/loader)`
    ... which satisfies path dependency `configparser` of package `hgmain v0.1.0 (/private/tmp/sapling-20240101-46281-v7po5z/sapling-0.2.20231113-145254-995db0d6/eden/scm/exec/hgmain)`
versions that meet the requirements `^0.1.0` are: 0.1.0

the package `configloader` depends on `hostcaps`, with features: `fb` but `hostcaps` does not have these features.

failed to select a version for `hostcaps` which could resolve this conflict
error: compilation of Rust target 'hgmain' failed

some build log, https://github.com/chenrui333/github-action-test/actions/runs/7381916575/job/20081016400
relates to Homebrew/homebrew-core#158492


@chenrui333 thanks for reporting the issue, taking a look

@zzl0 I can confirm that the build fails from source on Linux as well, with a similar error.



It was caused by this change facebookexperimental/rust-shed@768f838, working on a fix


Fixed forward with Homebrew/homebrew-core#160212 (comment)

We will fix the root cause separately: dependency backward incompatible change issue