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`thrift1` build error for `install-oss`. `make oss` is fine

vegerot opened this issue · comments

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Use Ubuntu 22.04 and Python 3.10 (lmk which other versions you'd like)
  2. run make install-oss

Sapling builds and installs correctly.

Sapling builds correctly

    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 1m 11s
running build_mo
rm -f sl
cp build/scripts-3*/sl sl
/usr/bin/python3.11: ignored, missing Python.h in /usr/include/python3.11

But during the install step, there's a problem

   Compiling edenapi v0.1.0 (/home/max/workspace/github.com/facebook/sapling/eden/scm/lib/edenapi)
   Compiling fb303_core_types v0.0.0 (https://github.com/facebook/fb303.git?branch=main#42d2aacf)
error: failed to run custom build command for `config_thrift_types v0.1.0 (/home/max/workspace/github.com/facebook/sapling/eden/fs/config/types)`

Caused by:
  process didn't exit successfully: `/home/max/workspace/github.com/facebook/sapling/eden/scm/build/cargo-target/release/build/config_thrift_types-76d123ea49f47bb4/build-script-thrift_build` (exit status: 101)
  --- stdout

  --- stderr
  thread 'main' panicked at 'Failed while running thrift compilation: Failed to resolve thrift binary `thrift1` to an absolute path

  Caused by:
      cannot find binary path', /home/max/workspace/github.com/facebook/sapling/eden/fs/config/types/thrift_build.rs:68:20
  note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
error: compilation of Rust target 'hgmain' failed
make: *** [Makefile:77: install-oss] Error 1
make install-oss  1641.47s user 73.12s system 1699% cpu 1:40.88 total

I have already tried cargo clean and make clean. What else should I do to troubleshoot?

question: now that sl is a single binary, can I just manually put sl in my bin/? What more is the install step doing?


This is fixed by 5297309