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bug(build): `sl` binary not correctly moved when using multiple versions of Python

vegerot opened this issue · comments

I actually noticed this last year and I could have sworn I'd opened an issue but didn't.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. build sapling: make oss
  2. switch your version of Python and build again: make oss && ./sl 1

successfully builds and shows log


    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 4m 06s
Packaging assets into /Users/m0c0j7y/workspace/github.com/facebook/sapling/eden/scm/build/edenscmdeps3.zip
rm -f sl
cp build/scripts-3*/sl sl
cp: sl is not a directory
make: *** [oss] Error 1

Manually copy the file from build/scripts-3x

Probable cause:
We use a trick to grab the sl we just built: cp build/scripts-3*/sl sl. This works fine when there's only one version of python, because it expands to cp build/scripts-38/sl sl, but breaks when there's multiple versions: cp build/scripts-38/sl build/scripts-39/sl sl.

The fix should be to look at which version of Python we just used and select that specific binary.


  1. would be nice if the Makefile supported PYTHON3=my/py/3 make oss


would be nice if the Makefile supported PYTHON3=my/py/3 make oss

How about PYTHON_SYS_EXECUTABLE=$(which python3.8) make oss?