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[DevTools Bug]: hook resolution throws fetch failure

th3fallen opened this issue · comments

Website or app


Repro steps

have a webpack project that uses a domain mapped to your local IP such as (appx.whenidev.net) in my case that's served with https
try to resolve hook names
check console and observe the million errors

https://p181.p1.n0.cdn.getcloudapp.com/items/4gulW8Wo/3bba0881-ee74-4478-8cb8-68370b878855.jpg?v=ab371b6e8fca2cee905d1b9f828ac0d8 shows my console

How often does this bug happen?

Every time

DevTools package (automated)

No response

DevTools version (automated)

No response

Error message (automated)

No response

Error call stack (automated)

No response

Error component stack (automated)

No response

GitHub query string (automated)

No response

@th3fallen: We're sorry you've seen this error. ❤️

It looks like you forgot to specify a valid URL. (This means that we will not be able to reproduce the problem you're reporting.)

Please help us by providing a link to a CodeSandbox (https://codesandbox.io/s/new), a repository on GitHub, or a minimal code example that reproduces the problem. (Screenshots or videos can also be helpful if they help provide context on how to repro the bug.)

Here are some tips for providing a minimal example: https://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve

Issues without repros are automatically closed but we will re-open if you update with repro info.