facebook / openr

Distributed platform for building autonomic network functions.

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Conenction failed in run_openr.sh

mjena opened this issue · comments

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Issue Description

Connection failed while running run_openr.sh with default configuration.


ubuntu 17.10

What's the actual result?

$ ./run_openr.sh
./run_openr.sh: line 94: /etc/sysconfig/openr: No such file or directory
Configuration not found at /etc/sysconfig/openr. Using default configuration
openr[2672]: Starting OpenR daemon.
I0427 15:19:00.024416 2675 Main.cpp:419] Starting Watchdog thread ...
I0427 15:19:00.034060 2672 FunctionScheduler.cpp:323] Starting FunctionScheduler with 0 functions.
I0427 15:19:00.035585 2672 PersistentStore.cpp:156] Failed to read file contents from '/tmp/aq_persistent_config_store.bin'. Error (2): No such file or directory
E0427 15:19:00.035598 2672 PersistentStore.cpp:55] Failed to load config-database from file: /tmp/aq_persistent_config_store.bin
I0427 15:19:00.035655 2680 Main.cpp:504] Starting ConfigStore thread...
I0427 15:19:00.035948 2679 NetlinkSystemHandler.cpp:114] Initializng Netlink from server thread
I0427 15:19:00.035987 2679 Main.cpp:480] Starting NetlinkSystem server...
I0427 15:19:00.036290 2681 Main.cpp:524] Starting ZmqMonitor thread...
I0427 15:19:00.036597 2679 ThriftServer.cpp:261] libevent 2.0.21-stable method epoll
I0427 15:19:00.036864 2682 Main.cpp:549] Starting KvStore thread...
I0427 15:19:00.037708 2685 Main.cpp:574] Starting the PrefixManager thread...
E0427 15:19:00.037739 2672 KnownKeysStore.cpp:24] Failed reading known keys, file might be missing
I0427 15:19:00.037760 2679 ThriftServer.cpp:390] Using 0 SSL handshake threads
I0427 15:19:00.038846 2686 Main.cpp:648] Starting the spark thread...
I0427 15:19:00.039815 2672 LinkMonitor.cpp:149] Loading link-monitor config
I0427 15:19:00.039913 2672 LinkMonitor.cpp:255] Connect to Spark for neighbor events
I0427 15:19:00.039959 2686 Spark.cpp:427] Constructing Spark server for node shashi-All-Series
I0427 15:19:00.040031 2686 Spark.cpp:550] Spark thread attaching socket/events callbacks...
I0427 15:19:00.040076 2687 Main.cpp:755] Starting LinkMonitor thread...
I0427 15:19:00.040637 2688 Main.cpp:784] Starting Decision thread...
I0427 15:19:00.041105 2672 Fib.cpp:149] Fib thread attaching socket/timeout callbacks...
I0427 15:19:00.041188 2689 Main.cpp:810] Starting FIB thread ...
I0427 15:19:00.041220 2672 Main.cpp:847] Starting main event loop...
W0427 15:19:00.041541 2687 LinkMonitor.cpp:165] Failed to load link-monitor config. Setting node as UNDRAINED
I0427 15:19:00.140871 2687 LinkMonitor.cpp:1066] Syncing Interface DB from Netlink Platform
I0427 15:19:00.145431 2683 ThreadManager.tcc:374] ThreadManager::add called with numa == true, but not a NumaThreadManager
I0427 15:19:01.042603 2689 AsyncSocket.cpp:2194] AsyncSocket::handleConnect(this=0x7f8f50000b60, fd=129 host=[::1]:60100) exception: AsyncSocketException: connect failed, type = Socket not open, errno = 111 (Connection refused)
E0427 15:19:01.049522 2689 Fib.cpp:74] Failed to make thrift call to Switch Agent. Error: N6apache6thrift9transport19TTransportExceptionE: AsyncSocketException: connect failed, type = Socket not open, errno = 111 (Connection refused): Connection refused
I0427 15:19:02.043053 2689 AsyncSocket.cpp:2194] AsyncSocket::handleConnect(this=0x7f8f50000b60, fd=129 host=[::1]:60100) exception: AsyncSocketException: connect failed, type = Socket not open, errno = 111 (Connection refused)
E0427 15:19:02.043359 2689 Fib.cpp:74] Failed to make thrift call to Switch Agent. Error: N6apache6thrift9transport19TTransportExceptionE: AsyncSocketException: connect failed, type = Socket not open, errno = 111 (Connection refused): Connection refused

What's the expected result?

No connection issue and openr works sommothly with default configuration

Thanks @mjena for reporting. To overcome this problem, pass --enable-netlink-fib-handler flag or set ENABLE_NETLINK_FIB_HANDLER=true in run_openr.sh or /etc/sysconfig/openr. We will fix it in code so that openr runs on linux with default configuration.

I landed change in commit 1181ff7. Closing issue!

thank you @saifhhasan, it did solve the issue.