facebook / fb303

fb303 is a core set of thrift functions that provide a common mechanism for querying stats and other information from a service.

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libfb303_thrift_cpp.so.1.0.0 doesn't have a SONAME

yurivict opened this issue · comments

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So this is intentional - since fb303's API is not stable, leaving the SONAME unset means CMake uses the same value for version and soname. Packagers building shared libraries should make sure to always bump the version.

I'm open to better ideas, or maybe we should just document this better.

You don't set SONAME at all. You should add the corresponding argument to the link command.

see https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/prop_tgt/VERSION.html

For shared libraries VERSION and SOVERSION can be used to specify the build version and API version respectively. When building or installing appropriate symlinks are created if the platform supports symlinks and the linker supports so-names. If only one of both is specified the missing is assumed to have the same version number.

Oh, wait, you mean SONAME, not SOVERSION. Where would you suggest it should be set? libfb303_thrift_cpp is eventually generated by this (add_fbthrift_library invokes add_fbthrift_cpp_library)

# Now emit the library rule to compile the sources
else ()
endif ()