facebook / akd

An implementation of an auditable key directory

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Duplicate user in `search_users` temp table when label, values range from 0...N

eozturk1 opened this issue · comments

Encountered this while doing some tests (bench code]:

pub fn generate_key_entries(num_entries: u64) -> Vec<(AkdLabel, AkdValue)> {
    let mut label = BytesMut::with_capacity(LABEL_VALUE_SIZE_BYTES);
    let mut value = BytesMut::with_capacity(LABEL_VALUE_SIZE_BYTES);

        .map(|i| {
            label.resize(LABEL_VALUE_SIZE_BYTES, 0u8);
            let l = label.split().freeze();

            value.resize(LABEL_VALUE_SIZE_BYTES, 0u8);
            let v = value.split().freeze();

            (AkdLabel(l.to_vec()), AkdValue(v.to_vec()))

results in duplicate user errors in the temp table we create in MySQL (search_users).

I isolated the code in here to see whether there are any duplicates but that is not the case (including in only-labels).

Creating this issue to track this further.