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allocator-test-AllocationClassTest Failed On ARM

Svelar opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
When I ran unit tests on ARM server, I found that some of them are failed while X86 platform was working fine.
Such as 'ReleaseSlabMultithread' of 'allocator-test-AllocationClassTest', it leads to core dumped.
BTW, it won't cause core dumped but result error in GDB or single-core environment.
After taking a look at source code, I observed that something bad happened between asynchronously free 500 allocs and get firstSlabReleaseContext. I just assume that it is because difference of memory consistency model. ARM is WMO, maybe lack of memory barrier in this situation. (free operation doesn't lock completely) Cuz I'm not so familiar with whole project, seek guys' advice here.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Build unit tests
  2. Run 'allocator-test-AllocationClassTest'
  3. See 'core dumped''

Expected behavior
PASS all tests.


Server (please complete the following information):

  • OS: openEuler 22.03 SP1
  • Platform: ARM