fabulous-dev / Fabulous

Declarative UI framework for cross-platform mobile & desktop apps, using MVU and F# functional programming

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ViewRefs are not updated in UpdateIncremental

Dolfik1 opened this issue · comments

Hi. I am facing problem. It seems that Fabulous does not set ViewRef value when ViewRef is changed. There is simple repro:

type Model = { LabelRef: ViewRef<Label> }

type Message =
  | ResetViewRef
  | UpdateText

let update msg model =
  match msg with
  | ResetViewRef ->
    { model with LabelRef = ViewRef<_>() }, Cmd.none
  | UpdateText ->
    model.LabelRef.TryValue |> Option.iter (fun x -> x.Text <- "Hello, world from ref!")
    model, Cmd.none

let view model dispatch =
    orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,
    children = [
        text = "Hello, world!",
        ref = model.LabelRef    
        text = "Update ref",
        command = (fun _ -> dispatch ResetViewRef)
        text = "Update text via ref",
        command = (fun _ -> dispatch UpdateText)

Repro steps

  1. Press "Update ref" button.
  2. Press "Update text via ref" button.

Expected behavior

Text changed to "Hello, world from ref!"

Actual behavior

Text does not change.