fabriceleal / Pang

A subset of scheme

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A subset of scheme, implemented in F#. Uses fslex and fsyacc.


  • Quasiquotation
  • Recursive functions
  • Anonymous functions


Binding constructs

let, let*, lambda


if, quote, define, set!, define-macro, begin

Functions implemented




+, -, *, /

Cons/List operations

car, cdr, list, length, cons


= for numbers

Functional programming

apply, map

Several Stuff

I was generating separate AST Objects for special forms; this means that this wouldnt work:

(eval `(,@(list 'if T T NIL)))

Now I'm reading EVERYTHING as lists, and added a gigantic:

match to_eval with
| Cons(Atom("if"), stuff) -> ...
| Cons(Atom("define"), stuff) -> ...


  • more and better tests
  • Compile as lib, so we can reuse for utilities, actual interpreter, tests, etc...
  • Bugs / Missing

Bugs / Missing

  • Identifiers à-là |this is an identifier with whitespaces i n s i d e |
  • Not supporting #!fold-case, #!no-fold-case
  • Not supporting comments with #;. Only ; or #| ... |#
  • Escaped chars in strings are the same as F#s
  • Character constants \#c
  • Vector constants #(1 2 3)
  • Bytevector constants #u8(...)
  • Used in numbers #e #i #b #o #d #x
  • Labeling data, like #0#, used for displaying circular structures
  • More unknown stuff ...
  • Type testing: boolean?, bytevector?, char?, eof-object?, null?, number?, pair?, port?, procedure?, string?, symbol?, vector?
  • read, write, eval
  • lambdas only work with a fixed number of args. Should work for variable and n or more variables (see spec 4.1.4)
  • if only works in the form consequent, alternate
  • include, include-ci
  • cond
  • case
  • letrec, letrec*, let-values, let*-values
  • do
  • Delayed evaluation: delay, delay-force, force, promise?, make-promise
  • Dynamic bindings: make-parameter, parameterize
  • Exceptions: guard, raise
  • case-lambda ... stopped at 4.3.1


A subset of scheme


Language:F# 87.1%Language:C# 8.6%Language:PowerShell 4.4%