fabric8io / kansible

Kansible lets you orchestrate operating system processes on Windows or any Unix in the same way as you orchestrate your Docker containers with Kubernetes by using Ansible to provision the software onto hosts and Kubernetes to orchestate the processes

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Forward ENV vars to the remote process

chirino opened this issue · comments

Since config via env vars is a cornerstone of Docker/Kube config

isn't setting up of environment variables something that the Ansible playbook should do?

the RC is really only about configuring the kansible pod

Yeah you probably right about this. I was thinking about things like passing passwords to secure the jolokia configuration. Might be better to pass that in env vars vs storing it on a disk file on the target or via a command line option that's visible to the 'ps' command.

Actually Secrets is a great idea! Being able to reuse Secrets from Kubernetes and scp them to the remote machines could be handy.

Though I guess folks manage secrets via Playbooks anyways?

for details see: https://github.com/fabric8io/kansible#kansible_export_env_vars

though I don't see a way for this to work with winrm yet :(