fabiospampinato / cliflix

Watch anything instantaneously, just write its name.

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Fast launch MacOS PiP

albinekb opened this issue Β· comments

Hey! Awesome project, i like it 😎

What do you think of using https://github.com/albinekb/open-pip-cli with this? What's the best way I could support streaming from watch?

$ watch "Rick and morty" | open-pip
$ watch "Rick and morty" | open VLC.app

The cli would just spit out the streaming URL to stdout, making it possible to use different apps to view the video.

maybe a flag to make it spit out the URL or use a different player? Just thinking.. πŸ‘ any ideas?

It's already possible to stream to a variety of apps, you can see the full list here under the "Options (streaming):" section. My fork of webtorrent-cli also supports IINA, which can open PIP already.

I guess there's no easy way to integrate watch with open-pip at the moment.

I like the idea of a flag for outputting the url, but in that case I think we would need to spawn WebTorrent in a detached manner, basically you'll have to kill it manually afterwards.

Maybe a --pip flag would be more pratical, allowing for:

$ watch "Rick and morty" -- --pip

I'll see what I can do, thanks for the suggestion.

I've used IINA, it's cool, maybe I'll PR there to create an option to launch it straight into PiP mode, thats probably a way better solution since it has lots more features than my simple CLI.

That would be great.

@albinekb any news on this?

@fabiospampinato nope, been super busy. Not watched anything since last being here πŸ˜„

I think it would be cool if we had an option to just get a http-stream or something to the video file? Then you could play it anywhere πŸ‘

I think it would be cool if we had an option to just get a http-stream or something to the video file? Then you could play it anywhere πŸ‘

I think you can get the raw data by passing the --stdout option to webtorrent. Also the video will kind of always be served from http://localhost:8000/0, you could make a script that opens that url with your favorite app.

Btw I've just added support for a --pip flag to my fork of webtorrent-cli, it can only be used with IINA.