fabiospampinato / cliflix

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Support for changing query

plaip opened this issue · comments

Hi Fabio,

I have a branch to select the next provider during torrent searching. The use case is if the torrent is not relevant (seed / leech not sufficient or quality ...) on a provider, the user could select another provider.

Could I open a pull request to have your opinion?

Thanks for the cliflix ! Good job

Hey Vincent, can you post a gif showcasing how this works in practice?

Terminalizer is broken on my desktop.

As you can see on the picture below, when the user answer > Select torrent ? No, the wizard will get torrents on the next provider.


Hi Fabio, have you seen the result?

@plaip Sorry I missed it in my notifications. I don't think it makes sense from a UX perspective to select a torrent and check asking again if you actually want it. Perhaps we could add a "Go back..." entry at the top of the torrents list though, feel free to submit a PR implementing that 👍