fabiospampinato / cliflix

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No search results

AmmarCodes opened this issue · comments


I just installed cliflix, tried to search for "Tears of Steel" as in the gif demo, but I'm always getting No titles found for "Tears of Steel", try again. for any search query.

Is it something in the config I need to add?

You should try a different torrent provider, ThePirateBay (the default one) might be blocked from your location.

  "torrents": { // Torrents-related settings
    "providers": { // Torrents providers-related settings
      "available": ["1337x", "KickassTorrents", "Rarbg", "T411", "ThePirateBay", "Torrent9", "TorrentProject", "Torrentz2"], // Providers to list if none is active
      "active": "ThePirateBay" // Active provider

@fabiospampinato I get this too, no matter what I do with the providers I cannot find anything. Can you post the example of the modified config?


$ cat ~/.cliflix.json

  "torrents": {
    "providers": { 
      "available": ["1337x", "KickassTorrents", "Rarbg", "T411", "ThePirateBay", "Torrent9", "TorrentProject", "Torrentz2"],
      "active": "1337x"

You might need to change your DNS configuration.

My bad, needed to wrap providers field into torrents field. Thank you for the quick reply!