fabiocaccamo / django-maintenance-mode

:construction: :hammer_and_wrench: shows a 503 error page when maintenance-mode is on.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

state file content value is not 0|1

HT-Moh opened this issue · comments

This issue caused by empty line at the end of the file maintance_mode_state.txt which can be added by pre-commit hooks or the IDE

python3.8/site-packages/maintenance_mode/backends.py", line 22, in get_value
    raise ValueError('state file content value is not 0|1')

Solution add strip strip()

class LocalFileBackend(AbstractStateBackend):

    def get_value(self):
        value = read_file(settings.MAINTENANCE_MODE_STATE_FILE_PATH, '0')
        if value.strip() not in ['0', '1']:
            raise ValueError('state file content value is not 0|1')
        value = bool(int(value))
        return value

@HT-Moh thank you for reporting this.

@HT-Moh you can install 0.15.1 version.