fabiocaccamo / django-maintenance-mode

:construction: :hammer_and_wrench: shows a 503 error page when maintenance-mode is on.

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Allow passing context to 503 view

ryselis opened this issue · comments

Currently we cannot pass any context to the view rendered by the middleware as it is set to {}. It would be nice to have a way to pass my own parameters to it, e.g., planned update finish time

@ryselis nice idea. I will add it as soon as possible, in the meanwhile feel free to send a PR.

@ryselis how do you expect to pass context data to the 503 view?

I have 2 ideas.

  1. Abstract out template rendering into its own method. Instead of calling render_to_response directly in middleware's process_request, add a new method to MaintanenceModeMiddleware that does the rendering. If I want to do it differently, I override your middleware class and rewrite just this one method that renders the template.
  2. Make some kind of hook that would let me specify just the context. For example, add a setting like MAINTENANCE_MODE_TEMPLATE_RENDER_CONTEXT so that I could assign a function to it, so it would look like this:
    and I would have
    def get_maintenance_context(request):
    # return the context
    in my code.

@ryselis the solution 1 is the one that I imagined, anyway the solution 2 could be a good alternative, I will add support for both solutions. Thanks

@ryselis in any case it's always possible to specify a custom template and load some template tags from it.

@fabiocaccamo yes, this is a possibility, but it is not an intuitive solution, at least for me

@ryselis just released 0.3.2 version.

Now it's possible to specify a custom function using the setting MAINTENANCE_MODE_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT or extend the middleware and override the get_request_context method.