fabiocaccamo / django-admin-interface

:superhero: :zap: django's default admin interface with superpowers - customizable themes, popup windows replaced by modals and many other features.

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Adding Support for `django-rosetta` Package

Farhaduneci opened this issue · comments

Hey there,
Thanks so much for all your work on this repo! I really appreciate you contributing to Django.

I would like to propose the addition of support for the django-rosetta package. I use this package alongside your project and inconsistent themes are kinda buggy.

I understand that adding support for new packages requires careful consideration and effort. I would be grateful if you could share some insight into the general process you follow when considering adding support for new packages. This information would be incredibly valuable as I am interested in contributing to the project and would like to understand how I could potentially assist in implementing this feature.

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@Farhaduneci thank you for this suggestion, personally I don't use django-rosetta, so I don't think I will ever work on this issue until I will need it personally for a commercial project or this package will have some sponsors, but if you want to contribute feel free to submit a PR, I will be glad to review and merge it.

More generally regarding third-party packages support, it's quite impossible to support all the most popular admin packages and maintaining them well supported along the time.

I think that it would be nice if third-party packages would start to use some CSS rules prefixed by .admin-interface selector (so they will do nothing if this package is not used) in combination with CSS variables exposed by this package to improve their appereance when this package is used.