fabianmichael / kirby-meta

All-in-one solution to all of your SEO/OpenGraph/JSON-LD needs. 👀

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Overwrite page titel via model

jonasfeige opened this issue · comments

really great plugin!

Is it possible to overwrite the page's <title> via its model? If I read the docs correctly, I can only add additional metadata but not overwrite anything, is that correct?

@jonasfeige No, that’s currently not possible for the title field. What exactly do you want to do with that?

I have a client who offers different classes, and each of the corresponding dates has a unique page. The template has auto-generated, randomized titles, because they are only used internally. Ideally, I would be able to overwrite the title and e.g. use the title of the page's parent.

Okay, so do you think it’s necessary to override the whole title or just the part before the separator? Providing one from the model sounds like a good idea, it can still be overridden by hand if necessary.

For my use case the page title (before the separator) would be enough. And yeah, customizability via the model with even more control via the panel would be amazing!

@jonasfeige I’m happy to add this feature since it might be interesting to many other users. Unfortunately I don’t know when I will have the time for doing that.