fabiandev / css-animator

Animate elements using CSS classes with support for Angular.

Home Page:https://fabiandev.github.io/css-animator/

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Staggering support

jtushar53 opened this issue · comments

staggering effect for *ngFor like this would have been great


Yes, would be something nice to have. I added it to the list for #3 (next version roadmap). I don't have a lot of time right now but I hope to make some progress on it soon.

I decided not to add support for specific things like Angular's *ngFor, as this library's intent is to be a helper for css animations for any JavaScript application.
Anyway, using the simple directive provided by css-animator could help to achieve this (e.g. using [animatesOnInit] alongside animatesInitMode="show"). It would also be possible to chain the promise returned by the AnimationBuilder, to start an animation once another one has finished.
The next version and an updated documentation of this package will be published soon. In the meantime it can be installed via the next tag: yarn add css-animator@next.