fabiandev / css-animator

Animate elements using CSS classes with support for Angular.

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library (css-animator) which declares AnimatorModule has not been processed correctly by ngcc, or is not compatible with Angular Ivy.

anuj141samariya opened this issue · comments

Please resolve this issue
as i am able to run my application but i have to put this option as false in tsconfig.app.json
"angularCompilerOptions": {
"enableIvy": false
so how i will run this with the ivy compiler

Can you please share a repo with steps to reproduce?

Thansk for replying back but I am not able to share the repo as it is not allowed by my organization,
But i am using css-animator in one of my component , when i am using with angular 8 it is working fine but i am not able to use it with angular 9 and angular 10 with the ivy compiler , somethiing goes wrong with the AnimatorModule which is not compile by ngcc compiler , can you look into that , it will be great help of yours.

For steps to reproduce ,

  1. just import the
    import { AnimationService, AnimatorModule } from 'css-animator' in my module,
    providers: [AnimationService] and imports: [AnimatorModule] in ngmodule

and in the component
2) import { AnimationBuilder, AnimationService } from 'css-animator';
and make a variable public animator: AnimationBuilder; public animators: AnimationBuilder

  1. and use the classes in one of my function like animation = 'zoomOut' like this

This whole code is working with angular 8 but when we move this whole thing to angular 9 and angular 10 then
at the compilation time i will get the error

library (css-animator) which declares AnimatorModule has not been processed correctly by ngcc, or is not compatible with Angular Ivy

Can you please look into the issue

I will look into the issue as soon as possible, please give me another week or two.

In the meantime, please setup a repo which can be cloned to reproduce the issue @anuj141samariya

@fabiandev hi
have you look into that,
It will be great help of yours , if you look into that

This project is set up with ngc not ngcc. Please provide a minimal project setup in a repository where this is reproducible out of the box and I will have a look. Thanks.

@fabiandev i will set up the project you can look

Hi All,

Any solution around this issue. Please let me know.


As mentioned css-animator is not setup for ngcc. Please provide a project setup to reproduce the behavior – I can look into extending support from there. PRs are very welcome, too :)

@anuj141samariya @saikiranvadlakonda I've put out a beta which should resolve the issue, see #31 (comment). Stay tuned!

Fixed via v2.4.0, please re-open if you are still experiencing issues 🙌