fabiandev / css-animator

Animate elements using CSS classes with support for Angular.

Home Page:https://fabiandev.github.io/css-animator/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

zone.js not found

leofle opened this issue · comments

Got an error when trying to use the service.

zone.js:101 GET http://localhost:4200/css-animator 404 (Not Found)

this is my import on main component:

import { AnimationService } from 'css-animator';

  // ... usual stuff here
  providers: [

screen shot 2016-06-03 at 18 13 42

SystemJS tries to load the css-animator package from http://localhost:4200/css-animator.

You can define a mapping in you SystemJS config file, to tell it, where to look for the package, e.g.:

map: {
    "css-animator": "node_modules/css-animator"

If you use jspm for you dependency management, this configuration will be added for you, when installing the package.

Alternatively you could include the bundle file of css-animator as a script tag after the SystemJS library and before your application.

@leofle Could you get it running?

not yet, i will check out later on

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